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Showing posts with label love story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love story. Show all posts

Sunday, September 22, 2013

love story,

A man bought 12 flowers. 11 real and 1 fake. He said, "I will love you until the last flower

One night a guy and a girl were driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over because she wanted to talk. She told him that her feelings had changed and that it was time to move on.A silent tear slid down his cheek as he slowly reached into his pocket & passed her a folded note.
At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down that very same street. He swerved right into the drivers seat, killing the boy. Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she pulled it out & read it. "Without your love, I would die."
There was a girl named Becca and a boy named Joe. Becca was in a burning house. None of the firefighters could get in the house because the fire was too big. Joe dressed in one of the fire suits and got into the house. When he got up the stairs, the steps fell off behind him. When he got into her room he sealed the door up behind him. He held her tight, kissed her, huged her, then said that he loved her. She asked what was wrong, and he said that he was going to die. Her eyes widened as she began to cry. He picked her up and jumped out of the four story house. He landed on his back with her on top of him. He died to save her life.
There was girl who loved a boy so much she said to the boy, "If I told you that I liked you, would you take it as a joke?"
The boy said, "Yes I would."
She asked, "Why?"
The boy replied, "Because I know you don't like me, I know you love me!"
A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle.
Girl: Slow down. I'm scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, it's too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a big hug. (Girl hugs him)
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on? It's bugging me.
In the paper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it meant he would die.

love story,

                            love story

A girl asked a boy if she was pretty, he said "No". She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever, he said "No". Then she asked him if he would cry if she walked away, he said "No". She had heard enough; she needed to leave.
As she walked away he grabbed her arm and told her to stay. He said "You're not pretty, you're beautiful. I don`t want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

love story,

My First One (actually Two)night Stand

Love Story

          love worried

The minutes spent with you… and then you were gone, you disappeared, you steamed away.
Only the thought of the touch of your lips brings me back to life, your hands call me,
 your eyes are filled with passion. And I get so tiny and tender.
I have never felt this way.
A man like you has never been a part of my life, probably because I’ve never been ready for that.
I feel you with my mind, with every single cell of my body.
I can touch you with my thought. I perceive myself through you when you gently touch me with your body,
 when my hands are filled with you and you penetrate inside of me. We used to form a bright star together,
 a star which would burst into milliard pieces, each carrying the pleasure of our moments.
You are the one and only.
I wake up smiling because your name is gently coming out of my lips.
Sometimes it seems to me that if I open my eyes you will appear next to me.
 I know it’s just an illusion and I keep my eyes closed,
saving the memories of these morning visions…I dream only of one thing  to wake up again lying next to you,
 to feel you even without touching you and to admire your body,
still unawakened but so beautiful under the rays of the morning sun.
 And to seduce you with almost elusive movements, while taking pleasure in the sensation of your
You are still sleeping, I’ll restrain my hands to save your morning dream.
The light smile appearing on your face, your eyes still closed,
fills me with delight and I start anticipating how gently you will look at me.
I want to meet the morning with you. You open your eyes hesitantly.
You are still not aware that I’m here, beside you, waiting for your embrace.
In that wonderful morning, in your joyful astonished eyes appeared what I came for.
 For the sake of it I would go through fire, and rain, and fog…… I’m no longer there,
I’ve melted in your eyes lit up with happiness.
I waited for you so long….. I waited. I tore my soul, cried while singing,
covered the sky with poems. But only now I realized that Winter can turn into Summer,
 that the sun can shine at night, and Stars can appear in the daytime. And you are no longer mine.
Once more I’ll look for you, once more I’ll fall asleep and wake up with your name on my lips,
 I’ll burn sleepless, I’ll quench my thirst in the memories of our meetings. But no more,
 not for anything in the world will I give anyone that tender-sweet pain of parting, for this is my life,
my sorrow, my love…